ブックタイトル第9回 大阪学術大会論文集 2015
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このページは 第9回 大阪学術大会論文集 2015 の電子ブックに掲載されている34ページの概要です。
このページは 第9回 大阪学術大会論文集 2015 の電子ブックに掲載されている34ページの概要です。
第9回 大阪学術大会論文集 2015
国立富山大学医学部大学院柔道整復学講座における研究~柔整手技鎮痛効果の一報~arterial spin labeling. Anesthesiology 115,364-374.36)Baliki, M.N., Chialvo, D.R., Geha, P.Y., Levy,R.M., Harden, R.N., Parrish, T.B., Apkarian, A.V.(2006). Chronic pain and the emotional brain:specific brain activity associated with spontaneousfluctuations of intensity of chronic back pain. JNeurosci. 26, 12165-12173.37)Hashmi, J.A., Baliki, M.N., Huang, L., Parks,E.L., Chanda, M.L., Schnitzer, T., Apkarian, A.V.(2012). Lidocaine patch (5%) is no more potentthan placebo in treating chronic back pain whentested in a randomised double blind placebocontrolled brain imaging study. Mol Pain 24, 8:29.38)Hashmi, J.A., Baliki, M.N., Huang, L., Baria,A.T., Torbey, S., Hermann, K.M., Schnitzer, T.J.,Apkarian, A.V. (2013). Shape shifting pain:chronification of back pain shifts brainrepresentation from nociceptive to emotionalcircuits. Brain 136, 2751-2768.39)Baliki, M. N., Geha, P. Y., Jabakhanji, R.,Harden, N., Schnitzer, T. J., Apkarian, A. V. (2008).A preliminary fMRI study of analgesic treatment inchronic back pain and knee osteoarthritis.Molecular Pain 4, 47.40)Cagnie, B., Dewitte, V., Coppieters, I., VanOosterwijck, J., Cools, A., Danneels, L. (2013).Effect of ischemic compression on trigger points inthe neck and shoulder muscles in office workers: Acohort study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 36,482?489.41)Grieve, R., Clark, J., Pearson, E., Bullock, S.,Boyer, C., Jarrett, A. (2011). The immediate effectof soleus trigger point pressure release onrestricted ankle joint dorsiflexion: A pilotrandomised controlled trial. J Bodyw Mov Ther 15,42?49.42)Hains, G. (2002a). Locating and treating lowback pain of myofascial origin by ischemiccompression. J Can Chiropr Assoc 46, 257?264.43)Hains, G. (2002b). Chiropractic managementof shoulder pain and dysfunction of myofascialorigin using ischemic compression techniques. JCan Chiropr Assoc 46, 192?200.44)Hains, G., Hains, F. (2010a). Patellofemoralpain syndrome managed by ischemic compressionto the trigger points located in the peri-patellarand retro-patellar areas: A randomized clinicaltrial. Clin Chiropractic 13, 201?209.45)Hains, G., Descarreaux, M., Hains, F. (2010b).Chronic shoulder pain of myofascial origin: Arandomized clinical trial using ischemiccompression therapy. J Manipulative Physiol Ther33, 362?369.46)Bandler, R., Keay, K. A., Floyd, N., Price, J.(2000). Central circuits mediating patternedautonomic activity during active vs. passiveemotion coping. Brain. Res. Bull 53, 95-104.47)An, X., Bandler, R. Ongur, D., Price, J. L.(1998). Prefrontal cortical projections tolongitudinal columns in the midbrainperiaqueductal gray in macaque monkeys. J. Comp.Neurol 401,455?479.48)Yasui, H., Takamoto, K., Hori, E., Urakawa, S.,Nagashima, Y., Yada, Y., Ono, T., Nishijo, H.(2010). Significant correlation between autonomicnervous activity and cerebral hemodynamicsduring thermotherapy on the neck. AutonomicNeuroscience 156, 96-103.31